A great way to spend Lent with Jesus is by diving into some good Christian music. Check below for an audience song recommendation, and enjoy today’s Lent study through music!


Journey Through Lent, Day 18

We need God, and God gives what we need. Have you ever stopped to think about how comforting this actually is? We can sit back and take a deep, relieving breath, because God’s got it—he is all we need, and he provides all we need. 

In a culture of abundance, we get confused into thinking we don’t have needs or that we provide for ourselves. Taking some time to fast from something like food helps us remember that we depend on God for so much more than just forgiveness of sins.

In “All We Need” by Charlie Hall, we are reminded that in both times of plenty and times of need, we can still find contentment in God. He meets us in our needs and offers his presence to go with us through all the trials of life. Sit back, take that relieving breath, and be reminded of God’s provision as you dive into this Lent song reflection!

Featured Song


“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:12–13).


Think about a time when you’ve fasted from something (by choice or otherwise). Name a few things you realized you really are dependent on God for, and take some time today to praise him (again) for those things! 


Looking for more ways to connect with God on your Lent journey? Visit this page to follow along with 40 days of curated content designed to guide you in your journey through Lent this year!

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