If you don’t know how to pray, getting started can feel strange. So, check out this simple prayer to help you grow in your prayer life, and connect with God today! 


I Can’t Stop Doomscrolling

Your brain isn’t turning off anyways, so what’s the harm in checking your feed one more time? Well, one more article or one more video quickly spirals into hours of scrolling, scrolling, scrolling… How is it already 3 am? And how are there so many TERRIBLE things going on?

Doomscrolling can become a vicious cycle. Our already anxious minds become even more dysregulated with a lack of sleep and an influx of stressful stories. 

While there are so many real and important problems to spend our energy on, here’s a Scripture we meditate on and a prayer for when the never-ending troubles of this world become too overwhelming.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

A Prayer for Doomscrolling

God of the formless and void, you bring order into chaos. I cannot handle all of the access I have to the strife of this world. Redeemer, bring peace to the turmoil in all corners of your Kingdom. Set my eyes on you, and teach me to be an instrument of your peace. Release me from my compulsions to see all that is wrong and the burden of trying to carry so much, and show me instead where you’re at work. Amen.


Simple prayers like this are a great way to engage in your prayer life and connect with God today. For more everyday prayers, visit this page!