Looking for good Bible verses to reflect on, or wondering why the Bible matters for your everyday life? Check out our verse reflection below. It’s one of our simple devotions, great for getting started reading the Bible, and hearing how Scripture is making an impact in the lives of other believers! 

God Who Saves

When dealing with daily stress becomes overwhelming, let’s remember God gave us something solid to stand on—him

Let’s check out this verse reflection from Hannah, about how we know God is a God who saves

Scripture: “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves” (Psalm 68:19-20a). 

“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:2).

Written by Hannah Shoue

I woke up one morning the week of my wedding to find a post-it note stuck to my bathroom mirror at my parents’ house. The note contained excerpts from Psalm 68:19-20 and Psalm 61:2, and there was no mistaking the curling, print-and-cursive writing style unique to my mom’s handwriting. 

The timing of God and the imagery are what stands out to me in these two verses. When does God bear our burdens? Daily. Who is God? He is a rock; safe, secure, and unchanging. When I picture the verse from Psalm 61, I imagine Jesus leading me, tenderly, by the hand, to a rock on top of a mountain, where my burdens begin to feel small and I am astonished that the One who is higher than I, the God of the universe, bends down to hear my cries and carry each burden as though it were his own. 

Just as these two verses provided encouragement and comfort to me during the stressful days before my wedding, I’ve continued to be encouraged by them in the months since. The post-it note, folded and slightly crumpled, remains one of my bible bookmarks. As other life stressors have emerged, such as demanding work schedules, car purchases, and an unexpected move, I try to remember the presence of a Rock higher than I and the power of a God who saves. 

Why It Matters

Whether you’re experiencing major life stressors or daily worries, God is with you today, inviting you to come to him as your Rock. God cares about your worries, no matter how small, and desires to hold them for you. Consider this an invitation to hold out your arms—and your burdens—to him.


Simple Bible devotions are a great way to connect with God in the everyday. We’ve got verse reflections that help us see reasons why the Bible is relevant today. Visit this page to check them out!