Looking for some simple Bible devotions? Verse reflections like this are by everyday Christian writers—real people just like you! They help give us reasons why the Bible is relevant for everyday life, and how we can connect with God each day. 

How to Stop Being Critical of Others

Ever wish you could quiet that inner-critic that’s constantly judging and criticizing everyone around you? 

Today, Mikaila shares a tip for how to stop being critical of others.

Ephesians 5:2

“and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Written by Mikaila Bisson

Ever since I was small, I’ve been quietly judgmental. If mom made broccoli for dinner (a personal attack on me), or a friend clearly broke a rule, or told a little fib, I’d sit there with a look of indignation, telepathically letting them know I was judging them.

My judgement negatively impacted my view of others, and skewed my thoughts about them. I labeled them as “bad” because of one simple action, and held a grudge. It wasn’t healthy for me, and was unfair to my poor mom who made broccoli often. 

As I’ve grown, I’ve come to realize that people are extremely multi-faceted. For me to negatively judge a person for a singular action and go so far as to hold a grudge against them is extremely unfair, especially when I would want people to try to understand my actions—even mistakes—with love and compassion.

 If there’s anyone who understands us—all of us—it’s Jesus. Ephesians 5:2 reminds me of his deep understanding and consistency every time I find a way to negatively judge someone else, and the verse even (sometimes) inspires me to turn my negative judgements to thoughts of understanding and compassion. If Christ can love each of us wholly despite our singular actions, who am I not to try to do the same? 

Why It Matters

When we feel negative judgment in ourselves towards others, we can try to remember Christ’s complete love for every part of us. Then we can (with his help), try to show that love to those around us. 


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