The prayer life of a Christian can sometimes become tiresome, especially if you don’t feel like praying. We hope our simple prayers centered around everyday life will provide some guidance and help you grow in your prayer life.
I’m Just Not Good Enough
Ever feel like you aren’t good enough?
It’s a question that pops into everyone’s minds at some point. Are we enough? For our parents, our spouses, our children, our coworkers, our friends… After all, these people have often seen and experienced the worst of us. Plus, we sometimes fixate on the worst in ourselves. When these moments happen, we tend to think of the expectations falling on our shoulders and think: Please… pick someone else.
Especially when it comes to wondering if we’re enough for the Creator of the Universe.
If you’ve experienced this, add your name to a list of good company: Moses, Gideon, Esther, Jeremiah, Paul, and tons of others in the Bible. In fact, “God, I’m not sure that I’m cut out for this,” seems to be a much more common theme in the Bible than the, “Here I am, Lord!”s of figures like Samuel and Mary.
In a broken world, it’s tempting to become preoccupied with our brokenness while forgetting that God can use every part of our beings for his purposes– our strengths just as well as our weaknesses.
If you aren’t sure you’re cut out for… whatever it might be, here’s a scripture and prayer to remind you that with Jesus, what you have to offer right now is more than enough.
“Not that we are adequate in ourselves so as to consider anything as having come from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God…” (2 Corinthians 3:5, NASB).
A Prayer for When You Feel Inadequate
Lord, you equip those whom you call, but right now, I don’t feel good enough for the tasks that are set before me. Help me to walk in step with your Spirit and trust that you’re leading me. Give me the confidence to press on and the strength to ask others for support when I need it. Jesus, give me comfort in knowing that I don’t need to be “enough” on my own. You understand weakness and limitations– help me to embrace these as well and have the assurance that your love and grace are more than sufficient to carry me through what’s next. Amen.
Prayers for everyday life are hard to come up with on the spot! If you’re in need of more simple prayers visit this page to help you connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life!