The Christian prayer life can sometimes feel stale. It doesnโ€™t mean your faith is weak, or that youโ€™re doing something wrongโ€”so donโ€™t get hung up on it! It just happens. But if you want to connect with God and donโ€™t know how to pray, or simply donโ€™t feel like praying…then these everyday prayers are for you.

Praying for a Friendโ€™s Marriage

When friendsโ€™ marriages struggle, itโ€™s tough to be an on-looker, and sometimes even tougher to know how to help.

Whether Kristy just poured her heart out during prayer request time in small group, or youโ€™re just getting a sense that Trevorโ€™s insistence that โ€œeverything is fine,โ€ is more of an act than a honest picture of how his marriage is holding up, you know that somethingโ€™s not right.

As we grasp for ways to love on our friends through tough seasons of marriage, letโ€™s keep doing the practical things we can, and never stop asking God to do his work in their life and love. After all, Jesus is the greatest reconciler of all-time:

โ€œAnd through him [Christ] to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the crossโ€ (Colossians 1:20).

Hereโ€™s a prayer for Christian marriage struggles that you can turn to when you want to pray for a friendโ€™s marriage:

A Prayer for Christian Marriage Struggles

Great Reconciler, who bridged the gap between God and man, look on this couple with special protection and show them a way back to each other. Even as a part of their heart longs for a quick escape from a marriage that feels unsatisfying, I pray that you give them strength to submit to the good plan you have to shape them both through this struggle. And Lord, as they move towards you in faith, give them deep peace and renew joy in their hearts. Bring hope to this marriage! Amen.


We believe a simple prayer like this helps us in our mission to creatively explore how we connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life. For more everyday prayers, visit this page!