The prayer life of a Christian can sometimes become tiresome, especially if you don’t feel like praying. We hope our simple prayers centered around everyday life will provide some guidance and help you grow in your prayer life


What’s My Age Again?

Do you have some gray hairs now? Or was it your sore back that made you begin reading this? Or let me guess, you used to sleep through the night, but now you wake up… how many times?…to go to the bathroom, or with a toddler’s foot in your face. Maybe you can’t have coffee after 2 pm, and you’ve started eating dessert before 7 ‘cause sugar and chocolate keep you awake. And you get mad when friends ask you to hang out “late”? Oh, and there’s that one new, younger, coworker that just told you that she thinks of you like her adopted dad or mom. 

Welp, that’s called getting older. Which is weird because it seemed to happen so… fast. There’s some good news about this…probably…somewhere. 🤣

Actually, there’s some good news about getting older. And if you’re not quite there yet, you should definitely share this prayer with all your friends who are 😜!

The Scriptures point out the typical link between age and wisdom. The Bible also regularly honors the elders of a community. As tough as it may be to need to stretch for an hour before exercising, you’re stepping into a time of life where you have perspective and wisdom that just isn’t as accessible when you’re young. So after you take a screen break to grab your readers (kidding—or not), come back and enjoy this Scripture and prayer to honor you and your next stages of life.

“Gray hair is a crown of glory;

it is gained in a righteous life” (Proverbs 16:31).

A Prayer for Getting Older

Ancient of Days, that’s what my friends and family call me now too. You are timeless and hold the Beginning and the End in your hands. You were present at my birth. You walked with me in my youth. And now, you sustain me as I grow older. Thank you for this gray hair of wisdom, and the opportunity to share my life experiences with others. Help me not to be afraid of the aches, pains, and changes in my body. Instead, as I grow older, may I also grow closer to and more dependent on you. Amen.  


Prayers for everyday life are hard to come up with on the spot! If you’re in need of more simple prayers visit this page to help you connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life! 

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