If you don’t know how to pray, getting started can feel strange. So, check out this simple prayer to help you grow in your prayer life, and connect with God today! 


Going to the Chapel, Gonna Get Married

From giggling over passages in the Song of Songs (you know the ones) when you were supposed to be paying attention to the sermon, to making cringy lists about the qualities of your future spouse at summer camp, the moment your mom has been praying about for AGES is finally here.

You’re engaged. Maybe you’re still feeling elated. Maybe the stress of this season has begun to set in. Or maybe, you’ve discovered that life already isn’t going according to plan, with added family drama or fears about finances…

However you might be feeling right now, consider this time of preparation a gift. This is the partner you’ve decided to spend your life with. While you are celebrating the happy day that is to come, also give thanks for opportunities (even the tough ones) to grow and begin learning how to rely on God and on one another before the wedding bells have rung. After all, you’re preparing for a marriage, not just a wedding.

“See! The winter is past;

    the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth;

    the season of singing has come” (Song of Songs 2:11-12a)

A Prayer for Engaged Couples

Bridegroom of Heaven, who shows us what it means to love in perfect unity, thank you for the gift of companionship. As we enter a season of greater commitment and maturity, continue to bind us together as we make decisions about the next stages of our life. Cultivate harmony, beauty, and deep, abiding love. When we experience the excitements and stresses that accompany our preparations, use these moments to draw us closer to you and one another, strengthening our marriage to come. Amen.


Simple prayers like this are a great way to engage in your prayer life and connect with God today. For more everyday prayers, visit this page!