Looking for some simple Bible devotions? Verse reflections like this are by everydayย Christian writersโ€”real people just like you! They help give us reasons why the Bible is relevant for everyday life, and how we can connect with God each day.ย 

Following Jesus Daily

How can we follow Jesus in our daily lives? Is following him a set of rules? A one time decision? Sometimes, โ€œfollowing Jesusโ€ can just feel like checking a morning devotional off of a list.ย 

If โ€œfollowing Jesus dailyโ€ starts to feel like a checklist item, consider pausing to breathe deeply of his grace. Join us in Sarahโ€™s take on what following Jesus daily can look like…

Scripture: โ€œThen he said to them all: โ€˜Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save itโ€™โ€ (Luke 9:23-24).ย 

Written by Sarah J Callen

Recently, Iโ€™ve been asking what it means to follow Jesus. I donโ€™t want to just be a person who goes to churchโ€”I want to be a real disciple, like Jesus spoke of in Luke. Christian culture has many different expectations about discipleship, so Iโ€™ve been returning to the source: Jesusโ€™s words. In verses like Luke 9:23-24, Jesus gets really clear about what is required to be his disciple: death (but perhaps not in the way you might think).ย 

Iโ€™m grateful Jesus doesnโ€™t ask us to do something that he didnโ€™t do himself. Jesus willingly died for us. His act of coming to earth and taking on the form of man was a form of self-denial. His choice to continually love the unlovable was an example of sacrifice. And, in the most radical expression of self denial, Jesus died an unjust death on the cross. He submitted to the will of the Father, knowing that his death would ultimately lead to glorious life (for us!).ย 

Jesus doesnโ€™t just secure my life for eternity, but provides a model for how I can live today. His life and death reminds me that true life is not found in doing whatever pleases me. Instead, a fulfilling life comes from following the uncomfortable path of choosing Godโ€™s good plans, priorities, and perspectives over my own.

Why It Matters

In practice, dying to self looks different for each of us. Jesus isnโ€™t waiting for you to find the right list of rules to followโ€”heโ€™s not expecting a performance. Instead, he gives you this simple but life-changing invitation to follow himโ€”in the way you work, love, think, and act. And to help you discern specifics, heโ€™s given you the Holy Spirit. Ask him how heโ€™s inviting you to follow him today!


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