Looking for some simple Bible devotions? Devotions like this are by everyday Christian writers—real people just like you! They help give us reasons why the Bible is relevant for everyday life, and how we can connect with God each day.


Why Did God Make Me?

What’s got you feeling small? Maybe it’s feeling inadequate at work, in your relationships, or just the general expectations you’ve set for yourself.

What do you do when you start to wonder, “Why did God make me?”

These are tough thoughts to wrestle with. This devotional can offer some advice for the moments when you begin to feel insignificant.

Psalm 8:3-4
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

Written by Jiaming Zeng
I want to know how my work can be beneficial. I wonder whether my research, my programming code, and my writing has furthered the kingdom of God. I turn anxious and self-chastising when I cannot see the purpose of my work or feel that I’ve wasted my time.

When I’ve completely exhausted myself and my personal energy, God reminds me of his grace and beauty. He reminds me that I was never meant to carry the pressure of accomplishment that I’ve laid on myself (Matthew 11:28-30). He has done it all. The perfect life of Jesus makes up for any insufficiency and imperfection in my work.

Like the author of Psalm 8, when we contemplate the beauty of God’s creation, we can’t help but realize our own insignificance. Yet despite that, God has already chosen us as partners in creation (Psalm 8:5-8). As I meditate on this, I realize the futility of constantly worrying about my purpose (Ecclesiastes 8:14-15). My success does not depend on my ability to do well, but on God’s ability to use me well.

Instead of carrying this burden of worry, I should wait for God to show me his plans. And he reminds me that when I’m faithful to all of the work before me, he will make things work together for good (Romans 8:28).

Why It Matters
Whenever you feel small and insignificant, remember that you are already chosen by God to be partners in his creation. Nothing you ever do can add or take away from your worth. God has designed the steps of your life. And you are designed to rest, admire, and enjoy the beauty of his creation. What if we focus on that being our “work” for today?


It’s important to connect with God each day. Luckily, these verse reflections are a great way to do that! If you’re looking for more good Bible verses to reflect on, check out this page of devotions!