Gather: Prayer
Gather: Prayer
This month, we’ve been practicing Jesus’ habit of prayer. Let’s go deeper, and lean into prayer together with a group of friends. Here’s a simple structure for this time:
Find a space where you can be uninterrupted, like a dorm room or prayer room.
Go around in a circle, each person sharing something they would like prayer for. This doesn’t have to be personal! Someone’s request may be for the upcoming school year, revival on campus, etc.
One person, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayer and lead your time together.
Pray for each other
One by one, lift up these requests to God with honesty.
Pray for your campus
One by one, cover your campus in prayer, from your dorm room, to your classes, to your relationships. Ask God to show you how His Kingdom might be revealed at school this year.
Recite together the Lord’s prayer to close your time:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Scripture Meditation: Matthew 6:25-27
Do you ever read Scripture and find yourself wondering, “is the Bible relevant today?” We definitely feel that disconnect. So we’ve set out to make Scripture meditations that give us a framework for how to start reading the Bible. Join us as we let the Bible be the Bible, and learn to engage with it meaningfully.
Trusting God in Difficult Times
Student loans. Rent. Balancing your work schedule with your class schedule. For most of us, it feels like the older we get, the list of things to worry about just keeps getting longer.
Jesus tells his followers “not to worry” about their lives. Easy for them—they didn’t have college debt or exams. They just had to catch some fish and chill. Often trusting God in difficult times sounds so much easier than it is. Sometimes it’s not as easy as finding the perfect “Top 10 Bible verses to calm anxiety.” It’s not our first impulse to turn to God in prayer when stressed. And yet, Jesus cuts straight to the chase, asking us, “Has worrying ever gotten you anywhere?” In the midst of all the things that stress us out, we find an invitation; Jesus asks us to trust that our heavenly Father, who has gotten us this far, will keep taking care of us.
Matthew 6:25-27
25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
Observations from the Text
- There’s more to life than things (v. 25)
- God cares for us more than anything in the world (v. 26)
- Worrying doesn’t solve the thing we’re worried about (v. 27)
Prayers of Response
Provider, when I don’t think I have enough, I tend to try to get _________ for myself.
Father, sometimes I don’t think you care that much about me because of _________.
Prayer Requests
Jesus, right now I’m desperately in need of _________.
Lord who calms the storms, watch over me while I’m in the middle of _________.
Prayers of Readiness
God, I know that _________ is feeling really anxious right now. Show me how I can love them well today.
Holy Spirit, give me the gift of faith, so I can let go of _________ and to trust where you’re leading me.
- Does thinking about the future make you excited? Or nervous?
- When you think about your future, what’s one detail that consistently makes you anxious?
- Deep down, do you think God cares about your worries? Why or why not?
- Take a few minutes today to find a bird to watch, and consider Jesus’ words about how much more God cares about you.
Reading the Bible through Scripture meditations can be an easy way of connecting with God each day. For more Scripture meditations, visit this page!
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
The 4-Step Way to Read the Bible like a Monk
Lectio Divina
Maybe reading the Bible doesn’t feel as meaningful as it should. Maybe you’re just struggling to connect. Or maybe, you’re just not sure if you’re taking something out of context! We’ve been there.
Here’s a thought: If we’re always reading the Bible to be informed, we might be missing out on opportunities to be formed.
Sometimes we read the Bible expecting to “get” something out of it—like a catchy one-liner, or the answer to a question we have. And this can lead us to skim through some of the slower parts and stories we already know, or jump to conclusions about what a particular verse might mean.
This is why it can be helpful to slow down when we read the Bible, to let God speak to us in new ways we could not have expected. And that’s where we get a practice called “Lectio Divina”, or “Divine Reading”: a way of reading the Bible that both monks and everyday Christians have been practicing for 1,500 years.
What is Lectio Divina?
Basically, it’s a way of slowly reading a few verses of scripture several times, with an intentional focus each time—reading, reflecting, responding, and resting. The steps help us listen for what the Holy Spirit is saying to us through the text.
Why Lectio Divina?
Slowing down isn’t something we’re very good at. Most of us live every single day rushing from one thing to the next. What a practice like Lectio Divina does, is slow us down so we can have just a bit of space to hear what we would’ve otherwise rushed past. It’s an invitation to listen to Scripture expectant that God has something to say to us each time.
The best way to get a feel for it is by trying it, so we invite you to take 2 minutes and pray through this Psalm with us.
In case this is your only chance to pause today, be sure to get in a comfortable posture, take a few deep breaths, and dive in! (We added the original Latin names for the steps, in case you really want that Monk aesthetic)
Step 1: Read (Lectio)
Read these verses slowly and prayerfully, listening for a word, image, or feeling to stand out to you. You may want to read the passage several times to allow space for discovery.
Psalm 73: 23-25
“I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward, you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.”
Step 2: Reflect (Meditatio)
When a word, image, or feeling stands out, pause, and reflect on it. Read that verse again. Ask God, why is this particular word meaningful to me right now?
Step 3: Respond (Oratio)
After reflecting on the word, image, or feeling, take a moment to respond to God. This might look like thanking him for speaking, asking a deeper question, or making a commitment to acting on what has been placed on your heart. What would you like to say to the Lord in response to the word spoken to you?
Step 4: Rest (Contemplatio)
Take one last moment to simply sit still in God’s presence, as you would in the presence of a friend or loved one. Remember, this prayer is not work you have to do, but rather allowing God to work in you.
- Which parts of the Psalm stood out to you? Why?
- What might you have learned about God from this practice?
- Would you say you listen/respond to God often?
- If not, what’s one thing keeping you from hearing him?
A Prayer for a New School Year
The prayer life of a Christian can sometimes become tiresome, especially if you don’t feel like praying. We hope our simple prayers centered around everyday life will provide some guidance and help you grow in your prayer life.
Back to School
When you were little, you got excited for the first day of school. You’d pull on your favorite t-shirt, grab your epic new backpack, and hope your teacher had a class hamster.
Now, though, you’re older. School might still be exciting… but it’s also stressful.
What happens after graduation?
Will you survive that class that everyone fails?
Is this the year you “meet someone”?
And, of course…who will you sit with at lunch 😬? And dinner? (‘cause let’s be real, we weren’t up in time for breakfast)
Oh ya, and that moment you realize you signed up for classes without looking up rate-my-professor! 🤦
A new school year brings hope, worry, anticipation, uncertainty—or all of the above.
You might not know what these months hold for you. But you can know that, through all the highs and lows, God will be guiding your steps.
So as you pick up books and pick out an outfit, trust God with your fears and dreams for this school year. Here’s a verse and a prayer to help you get started.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
A Prayer for a New School Year
Inventor of creation, God of truth, thank you for the chance to study this world you’ve made. Use this new school year to teach me new things—in classes, in relationships, and in my walk with you. From intense study sessions to late-night adventures, help me recognize your abundant grace in all circumstances. And when worries about the future overwhelm me, give me courage to abide with you in the present, trusting you with whatever might come. Amen.
- Name one thing that’s stressing you out this school year.
- How have you tried to conquer that stress? Did it help?
- Would you say you naturally trust God with your future? Why, or why not?
- What might it look like for God to go with you into this school year?
Prayers for everyday life are hard to come up with on the spot! If you’re in need of more simple prayers visit this page to help you connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life!