Navigating a journey through Lent is not something we should do alone. So we put together some simple prayers to help us connect with God in our Lent journey. Jump into this season of Lent with this prayer below!


Journey Through Lent, Day 21

Why do we push against God’s forgiveness? Trying to bury our mistakes and keep them to ourselves only makes the weight on our hearts heavier. So we inflict pain on ourselves trying to hide our faults from God when he is ready to graciously extend forgiveness to us when we call out to him. 

(Plus God already knows about our mistake, so we may as well talk about it)!

Confessing to God and asking for forgiveness brings peace and relief that is immeasurable. 

If you are feeling like you want to pray for forgiveness and confess your sins to God, say this prayer with us:

A Full Prayer of Confession and Forgiveness

Faithful God, who loves justice and making broken things whole, I confess that I’ve been choosing to walk in my own way by _________. Forgive me for the pain my choices have caused those around me, and give me wisdom as I navigate the consequences of my decision. Perfect Father, who is not surprised by the extent of my own imperfection, give me a humble heart and lead me and those I’ve hurt  to wholeness and restoration. Amen.

Scripture: 1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 


Not sure how to observe Lent? Check out the devotional resources we’ve put together here, and follow along as we connect with God through simple prayers like these on our journey through Lent!