
Some ideas to get you started

Level 1: Novice

  1. 📵 Pick one night a week to go without screen time
  2. 🍿 Fast from snacks on weekdays
  3. 🏠 Fast from a meal with friends, and gather for a time of prayer instead
  4. 🙏 Make a habit of praying the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian

Level 2: Apprentice

  1. 🍔 On weekdays, cut something you enjoy from your diet— like meat, dessert, or junk food!
  2. 🪞 Pick a day that you don’t have a first date or an interview, and “fast” from using a mirror!
  3. 🍽 Pick one day a week to fast during breakfast and lunch, and spend that time “feasting” on scripture
  4. 🎮 Identify something that acts as a “crutch” in your life, like a show, a video game, or alcohol, and go without it for the month

Level 3: Master

  1. 🎻 Fast from all recorded music for the month, and find some live music to see instead
  2. 💸 Adjust your budget for the month! Skip expensive coffee, and give to a charity in your community
  3. 💭 Identify something for which you need God’s guidance. Take an intentional day or two to fast and pray, asking God to speak to your situation
  4. 🥘 After practicing one of these practices during the week, host a Sunday feast with friends!

Have any other ideas? Let us know!

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Need more inspiration? Here are some of our favorite pieces on fasting.

Stay tuned! Throughout the month we'll be collecting our favorite pieces on waiting here.