Bible Reading

Some ideas to get you started

Level 1: Novice

  1. 🧘‍♀️ Pray the words of scripture with breath prayers when life starts to feel heavy
  2. 🤓 Read a small book of the Bible you’ve never read before (like Ruth, Jonah, Titus, or Jude) 
  3. 🤔 Pick a familiar passage, like Psalm 23 or Romans 8, and read it in a translation that’s unfamiliar to you (like the NRSV or The Message)
  4. 📚 Use a lectionary to guide your devotional life

Level 2: Apprentice

  1. 🙏 Ask God to reveal a meaningful passage (1-5 verses), and commit to memorize it 
  2. 👂 Pray through scripture with the practice of Lectio Divina, on your own or listen online!
  3. ❤️ Challenge yourself to encourage a friend, family member, or even a stranger with scripture that’s meaningful to you
  4. 🏠 Pick a chapter or book and start a Bible study with friends or family

Level 3: Master

  1. 📆 Try a “read the Bible in a year” plan
  2. 😬 Dive into some tough parts of scripture (imprecatory Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Deuteronomy), and chat about it with a trusted pastor or spiritual director
  3. 🔍 Use a concordance to do a word study on something God brings to your attention when reading
  4. 🧠 Prayerfully choose a longer portion of scripture to memorize over the course of a year

Have other ideas? Let us know!

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Stay tuned! Throughout the month we'll be collecting our favorite pieces on gratitude here.