If you don’t know how to pray, getting started can feel strange. So, check out this simple prayer to help you grow in your prayer life, and connect with God today!


I Can’t Stop Procrastinating

You should’ve been done with this yesterday. And, you could’ve been done the yesterday before that. But, for some reason, your brain keeps kicking the job further down your “to-do” list. After all, what’s one more day?

Each day you put it off, it gets a little bit harder to pick it back up. After all, there are so many better things you’d rather be doing. It’s hard to make time for this. Plus, you work better under pressure. Maybe you just need more time to *think* about it. Or, maybe there’s even a part of you that’s just worried: what if you’re really bad at it?

Thoughts like these can make a procrastinator’s avoidance tendencies go into overdrive, causing us to push the job off even more (for real though, how long do you think it took to write this prayer?).

Thankfully, we can come to God with these worries too, and ask for his strength— and some supernatural focus— to set out and do our work well.

While you still might procrastinate a little, maybe this verse and prayer will help you out when it’s time to hunker down and really get things done.

“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

A Prayer for Procrastinators

God over space and time, I want to spend my hours right now doing pretty much anything but this… Please, remove all my distractions, but also remove my doubt in my abilities to complete this project well. Give me the confidence and motivation to move forward with my work, and help me see how you are at work, even in the smallest of tasks. Show me how to prioritize what’s important and how to best accomplish what needs to be done. Amen.


Prayers for everyday life are hard to come up with on the spot! If you’re in need of more simple prayers visit this page to help you connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life!