Knowing how to get started reading the Bible can be tricky. But don’t get discouraged! No matter how far you’ve come in your faith, everyone has struggled with reading the Bible at some point. That’s why we put together some Scripture meditations like this one to help you get started.


God’s Everyday Gifts

Want to grow in gratitude and love God more? Start recognizing “everyday graces!”

Rain, crops, delicious food, experiencing joy…these are all ways that God’s kindness shows up not just in the lives of Christians, but for all humans.

And the Christians in Acts believed that these everyday graces are a testimony to God. As we experience and recognize them, they’re supposed to convince us that God’s way is best and he is alive and active—worthy of our commitment and definitely better than any other false god we might be tempted to follow. 

Today, we’re looking at a passage from Acts, and we hope you’re encouraged to stop to think about these “everyday graces,” and to praise God for the reminders that he’s alive and really, really kind.

Acts 14:16-17

“In the past, he let all nations go their own way. Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”

Observations from the Text

  • God allows us to choose if we go his way or our own
  • The very presence of rain is evidence of God’s kindness
  • God’s kindness is a testimony to all humans

Prayers of Response

Today I’m extra grateful for allowing me to experience your everyday kindness and provision of ________

God, when it comes to ________, I’m tempted to choose my way over yours. Please give me strength to handle it in a way that honors you.

Prayer Requests

When I think of the next generation, I think of ________ (name), and I pray that you graciously lead them to know you and walk in your way.

God, please help ________ (name) to see gifts like rain, sun, good food, and joy as a kindness that comes from you.

Prayers of Readiness

Today as I ________, open my eyes to see the little kindnesses you allow me to experience. 

God, as I eat ________ for food today, I will praise you for the way it fills my belly and gives me strength to live another day.


One way to start reading the Bible is through Scripture meditations. They help recognize reasons why the Bible is relevant today. Click here to see more!

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Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™