Experience healing and freedom by being fully known and fully loved.
Why confess if your sins are forgiven?
Confession can be a weird thing to wrap our minds around. What’s the point, if God already knows, and he’s already forgiven us? Well, James says to “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (5:16). Confession is about healing, and healing happens when we take those things that we’re ashamed about, and bring them to God, who loves and delights in us, no matter what.
Level 1: Novice
Read some stories of confession and forgiveness in scripture, like Luke 18:9-14 and John 8:2-11.
Consider when you most often stretch the truth, and commit to only telling the truth in those situations.
Ask God for guidance to find a friend you can be 100% honest with.
Begin a prayer journal to house your raw, unedited conversations with God.
Level 2: Apprentice
Slowly pray through Psalm 51.
Incorporate this traditional prayer of confession (PDF) into your devotional time.
Identify any guilt or shame you carry. Take time to journal about these things, asking God to heal these wounds.
Meet with your trusted friend to talk about the things you identified.
Level 3: Master
Learn Psalm 103:8-12 by heart, and recite it daily.
Abide in the parables of Luke 15, asking God to help you internalize his merciful character.
Meet a pastor, priest, or spiritual director to ask for advice on overcoming any obstacles in your life with God.
Practice spiritual friendship with your trusted friend, asking each other, “What in you needs to be celebrated, forgiven, and healed?”
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