The prayer life of a Christian can sometimes become tiresome, especially if you don’t feel like praying. We hope our simple prayers centered around everyday life will provide some guidance and help you grow in your prayer life.
When There’s Too Much Going On
Some of us have commitment issues, but probably not in the way you might think. We OVER-COMMIT! Like those of us who instinctively say “Yes” before we actually stop to think about whatever it is we were just asked. And then later…we regret saying yes, and begin to think of creative ways we can back out of whatever it was we just said yes to.
We think to ourselves: “I just can’t say no.”
But then we begin to mix in classes and studying on top of already overwhelming personal commitments. Plus, there’s the job we need to keep, the meetings and responsibilities expected by that boss. Add to that trying to find times to do the other stuff we know is important: maintaining relationships, exercising, getting groceries (other than protein bars or ramen).
Oh. And, then we’re also supposed to make time for hobbies and fun so we don’t get burned out?
On Sunday night, we look at the week ahead and feel a sense of dread. “Geesh, how will I make it through?!”
Well, friends! If we’re honest, our team is there with you—often. So, we wrote a prayer for all of us schedule-overloaded people who long for margin and a few minutes to embrace silence.
Join us in reading this paraphrase and taking a much-needed moment of prayer…
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message).
A Prayer for Schedule Overload
Spirit who hovered over the waters of chaos, hover over the chaos of my schedule. Burden-carrier, who invites me to bring my struggles to you, help me to discover rhythms of rest and grace. Meet me in the busyness of my overloaded schedule, and provide me opportunities to embrace silence. Help me to worry less about my “to-do” list, and more about being a presence of peace and love to each person I see. And in the future, guide me in saying “no” to things I should say “no” to, and “yes” to things I should say “yes” to. Amen.
- Is your schedule overloaded?
- If so, what do you think keeps you saying “yes” to so much?
- When did you last take time to reflect or pray in silence?
- Do you enjoy silence? Why or why not?
Everyone feels at some point that they don’t know how to pray, feel free to visit this page for more everyday prayers to explore how you can connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life!
Reclaim Today is a lifestyle content brand that creatively explores meaning in the everyday moments of life. We're discovering together how faith and the good news of Jesus helps us reclaim the small moments, the big ones, and everything in between.