Psalm 42:5 A simple prayer is all it takes to connect with God every day. And if you don’t know how to pray, no worries! We’ve got you covered. Check out this simple prayer below to get started!
I Need Postpartum Help
Your body has been growing and preparing for months, and now, your little one is finally here in your arms. Except, there are a few things you didn’t feel prepared for. Okay, wayy more than a few.
And, you knew that your hormones might cause the “baby blues” for the first few weeks, but something still isn’t feeling quite right. You want to soak up this time, enjoying the newborn snuggles, and getting to know your baby, but it’s hard to muster up the energy to do anything beyond survive.
At your check-up they ask questions: Are you having a hard time bonding with your baby? Are you struggling with anxiety or panic attacks? Is your mood constantly changing? Do you have a strong fear that you aren’t a good mother?
These are met with questions of your own— should I answer honestly? Is what I’m feeling normal? How do I ask for help? What if I am a bad mom?
Postpartum Depression and Anxiety are the most frequent after-birth complications faced by women. While incredibly common, the experience can still feel isolating and terrifying.
We know it’s hard. And we know, in spite of the chaos in your brain, you love your babies more than anything. You don’t need to suffer in silence— reach out to the community around you— your doctor, your friends, your church, and see what resources might be available to help you through this time.
In the meantime, here’s a prayer and a scripture to cling to when the days and nights are long, and you’re waiting for deliverance.
“Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?” (Psalm 42:5a).
A Prayer for Postpartum Depression
Jesus, in your last hours, you ensured the care of your mother. Please, care for me now. You have blessed me with the care of this new, little soul, but right now, I feel crippled by anxiety, exhaustion, and sometimes, anger. I want to feel the joy and beauty of this season, but instead, I feel alone. Remind my broken body of your body, broken for me. Pour into me your deep and abiding love. Reveal to me your light and truth when all feels hopeless. And, please Lord, send me tangible help to carry my burdens and to release these heavy loads. Amen.
*Note: We’re not experts on postpartum depression. If this is a struggle you have, or if life just feels a bit out of control, consider contacting your OBGYN or seeking the help of a therapist or medical professional.
We believe a simple prayer like this helps us in our mission to creatively explore how we connect with God in the ordinary, extraordinary, everyday moments of life. For more everyday prayers, visit this page!